The data such as Last Done price and Vol('00), end-of-day stock-prices, displayed in excel worksheet web query table from the url below is different from what you will see online at the URL below.
I see you got - the data in your worksheet is right - same as what we would see online at Bursa Malaysia. How did you put the data-table in your reply. I like to put my data-table for you to see - maybe I did not do it right.
I did the excel web-query again but using 10 entries/page and got the same result as yours in your reply. Can you do it with 50 entries/page and see. My result for 50 entries/page is different.
I re-do the excel web query in 10 entries/page, 20 entries/page and 50 entries/page. I get the same result as you in 10 entries/page and 20 entries/page. BUT the result I get with 50 entries/page is different.
I re-do the excel web query in 10 entries/page, 20 entries/page and 50 entries/page. I get the same result as you in 10 entries/page and 20 entries/page. BUT the result I get with 50 entries/page is different.
SPECIFICALLY, what differences do you see? Highlight the cells where you think there are anomalies. I am not going to go through the table and check every entry, sorry.
Just pick any one row in my 50 entries/page and compare to your attached file (same row) and you see they are not the same. This only happens in my 50 entries/page attached file. The 10 entries/page and 20 entries/page has no problem. I thinks the problem could be the EXCEL2016 software in my laptop. Somehow if I do the web query for 50 entries/page the data is not right.
Anyway many thanks for your help. Appreciate it very much.
I cannot see any difference. You are the one asking for help: all I have asked is that you provide a version with a few specific anomalies highlighted so that I can cross-check them quickly and easily. If you do this, I'll take a look. As I said before, I am not going to go hunting for them - sorry.
Your attached file (PQ Web Scrape AliGW.xlsx) No:1 Code: 0012 Name: 3A Last Done: 0.74 Vol ('00): 2258
My attached file (50E.xlsx) No:1 Code: 0012 Name: 3A Last Done: 0.745 Vol ('00): 314
see the data of the columns Last Done: and the Vol ('00): is different.
Look at specifically the Last Done: and Vol ('00): columns for other table-rows you see the difference.
Yes you are right. I just started this week to use PowerQuery thru articles in the internet here and there. Anyway thanks for your help. I know next to nothing about PowerQuery but learning...I am not tech-savvy.
OK - so you need to refresh queries! Either do this manually (Data ribbon - Refresh (All)), or right-click your query in the query bar on the right (Data ribbon - Queries & Connections - right-click - Properties - Refresh query when opening file).
I asked you several posts back if you had refreshed the query - it would have been sensible to ask what I meant if you weren't sure - it would have saved a lot of time! I've been learning PQ now for a few years.
Before I wrote in for help, I have done REFRESH query and compare the EXCEL table to the online Bursa WEB page. They don't match. Previously I used to copy the online BURSA WEB (998 entries) in one page and paste it into EXCEL. But recently BURSA made changes (limit 50 entries per page) which make my old way of copying and paste not practical. That's why I embark to use PowerQuery.
That's impossible if you did the refresh correctly, I'm afraid, so it comes down to novice user error, one way or the other. Either way, you have learned something today, and that's all that matters.
Tomorrow(6 pm my time) I'll REFRESH my 50E.xlsx and compare to online BURSA WEB to see if they match. Thank you for your help. Funny for my 20E.xlsx and 10E.xlsx web queries the data matches - no refresh no problem.
I did the REFRESH for the 50E.xlsx today. The data don't match with online BURSA WEB page. I did a new workbook with all 3 queries (10, 20 & 50 entries/page) in one worksheet (Sheet 1) - REFRESHed ALL at same time. Also did a copy & paste into another worksheet (Sheet 2) the data from online BURSA WEB page. They ALL don't match.
Maybe I did not do them right. I attach the files for your reference.
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