Stop Automatically Changing Field Types When Promoting Headers


New member
Mar 14, 2018
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Excel Version(s)
I searched, but did not find this topic on the forum already.
When I promote headers, PQ automatically adds a subsequent step to change the data types of all the columns. Unfortunately, it changes them in a way I don't want, due to auto-inferring of the type based on the first record. So I either have to edit and modify the code of the automatically added "Changed Types" step, OR...I have to delete that step manually after PQ automatically adds it.

Can I stop PQ from automatically adding that step? Is there a better solution?

You can stop it, but unfortunately it is a workbook level setting, not an app level setting. :(

To change it, open the query editor, go to File --> Options & settings --> Query Options --> Current Workbook --> Data Load and uncheck the Automatically Detect Column types setting

I wish we could do this for all queries, but unfortunately there is no setting to do so.
Thanks for the info. We need to suggest to MS that they make this app-level selectable.

As a workaround...I suppose I could set up a template workbook with a PQ pointed to some dummy data source. Set the option to NOT auto detect, then save. And then use that workbook as the basis for all my PQ applications. Open, point to the real data source, then “save as”. Lot of trouble, probably just best to remember it each time.

Thanks for the super fast response. BTW, I ordered your Data Monkey book earlier today. Should be here Friday, pretty excited about that! I found out about you (and Rob Collie, et. al.) by listening to John Michaloudis’s Excel podcast. Thanks for sharing some good insights.