Order of queries and dependent queries


New member
Aug 3, 2018
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excel 2016
I have a Power Pivot in Excel model with several queries. One of the queries is 'stuck' running (Query 3) and I'm getting a message showing how much data is being imported from the connected excel file (this number is continually increasing MB even though the data source file is only 950KB). So I have a basic question re order of queries and am wondering if this is causing the problem.

Query 1 - extracts a list of suppliers and their services from the source excel file (a supplier can have more than one service)
Query 2 - uses Query 1 results as the source to calculate a list of suppliers to be excluded from the final supplier list eg - suppliers who offer training services
Query 3 - applies the results from Query 2 to Query 1 to list all suppliers except those who offer training services

I cannot just filter apply a filter in Query 1 to exclude rows with training services as it's possible that the supplier may offer other services and those rows would not be removed.

Is my logic reasonable? Do I need to force the queries run in order? Why is Query 3 stuck? Is there a better way to do this?


Sounds like the query is building on itself, check if any column in query is showing errors (possibly date col and introduce a step (remove errors) immediately after the step in which the error appears). If that is not it then consider sending the entire data set with fake data 5-10 lines per file should do it highlighting exactly the problem and will look at it, without data I can't help