This morning, I was trying to understand the code that's automatically generated by Data, Get Data, From File, From Folder, Combine & Edit. Because "meta" is used in several different contexts, I was hoping that documentation about the "meta" keyword would help. But it doesn't.
Also, as I discovered this morning, the documentation for Excel.Workbook fails to define the delayTypes argument.
I headed down this path because I tried to define a parameter to contain the path to the parent folder used in the generated code; but the code wouldn't accept my parameter and I didn't understand the reason for that.
Therefore, I wrote my own my own code to consolidate the files in a folder. This was just as well, because I could add features that that the generated code doesn't support.
Even so, if you actually understand the Combine & Edit version of the From Folder query, that would make an interesting blog post.