Fix formula


New member
Sep 28, 2024
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Excel Version(s)
Dear Team,
I reach out to you to request your support !

As per my Excel sheet attached, could you help me with a formula that can allow me to splitting multiple choice in multiple colomns.

I can get result only for one colomn but i would like to get results for 2 or 3 colomns.

Thank you for your support.


  • Splitting Multiple Choice.xlsx
    11.8 KB · Views: 3
Your picture is at odds with the workbook you attached.
What are you wanting to show in the results?
A '1' if the phrase is not found?
A '1' if the phrase is found
A count of how many columns the phrase is found in?
Are you really using Excel 2016 (as showing in your profile)? Examination of the file you attached indicates a more recent version?
cross posted without links:
@dofrancis, for your information, you should always provide links to your cross posts.
This is a requirement, not just a request.
If you have cross posted at other places, please add links to them too.
Why? Have a read of
On the assumption that I understand your post correctly: Add another column to the right of each individual heading with the same heading (each heading will appear twice). In E2 put this formula: =IF(COUNTIF($B2,"*Com_Info_centre*")>0,1,""). In F2: =IF(COUNTIF($C2,"*Com_Info_centre*")>0,1,""). Fill down. Do this for each individual heading, using the appropriate heading for each formula as you go across. This formula can be varied in many ways if this is not what you actually intended. If you simply want a count of each Heading in the two columns per row, then inserting another Column will not be needed. If so, then simply modify the formula to get a total count for both columns, if any.
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