Dear all,
trying to get some tips and tricks on how to approach my issue:
I use powerBi to show our sales team the forecast we have for their accounts, using 2 different measures: Actuals and forecast (2 different queries.
I want to create an overview how this looks like on a full year. so if we are in the month June, I want the months January/May to be actuals, and June till December Forecast.
A-A-A-A-A-F-F-F-F-F- F- F
What could be a good trick to combine the 2 measures into one, so that my new measure (called YEF) shows both measures, but will change when we enter a new month.
Working with a parameter so i can select which month shows which data?
coming from only Excel, I'm a little bit lost of what is possible with M & Powerbi.
Thank you very much for any input or tips which will show me the right direction.
trying to get some tips and tricks on how to approach my issue:
I use powerBi to show our sales team the forecast we have for their accounts, using 2 different measures: Actuals and forecast (2 different queries.
I want to create an overview how this looks like on a full year. so if we are in the month June, I want the months January/May to be actuals, and June till December Forecast.
A-A-A-A-A-F-F-F-F-F- F- F
What could be a good trick to combine the 2 measures into one, so that my new measure (called YEF) shows both measures, but will change when we enter a new month.
Working with a parameter so i can select which month shows which data?
coming from only Excel, I'm a little bit lost of what is possible with M & Powerbi.
Thank you very much for any input or tips which will show me the right direction.