Solved Count if uniq id after a filter in a collumn


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Nov 18, 2022
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Please help me as fallows i have a set of informations wich belongs to different dates (in this case i made an example for 2 dates), i would like to extract only duplicate number and bring the uniq count for it (like if i have 3 same numbers for date 1.11 it would return 1), To look in collumn a for this primary key.

As a helper i ascked you guys for formula in collumn E wich helps me to identify wich doubled or tripeled and so on primary key has no resolution(agent) (and i have to place it for further inspections). After this check in collumn e i need to extract uniq primari key (coll a) for each duplicated primary key and for each date in part.
In collumn F it s a way that i can say if an primary key is uniqe but it applys for all information.

Is there a way how i can sepparate this by date withouth moving my information with filter in another sheet and apply collumn F formula or make an infinite collumns with statements for every day and if a day is equal to something to start and apply the formula (i could also do this if information is always sorted in order) but it would be a pain in the *** and a lot of multplications of formulas.

Hope you understand what i wish.


  • Count IF uniq ids after a filter in a collumn.xlsx
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Thank you guys sorry for this, now i understand that these communities are related to eachother and i understand how to and when to cross post. I simply tought that these coummunities are 100 % different.
Again, let me stress that the different communities are not related. They only use the same kind of rules, and the cross posting rule can be found in ALL forums